• Technology

  • Design & Operation

  • Financing

  • Environment & Socio-economic

  • Regional focus

Stage 2. Concept note development

This template and scoring sheet are used for Stage 2 of the SESA Call for Ideas.

Stage1. Call for idea: SESA project idea and scoring sheet templates

This template is designed to share the problem and explain the root causes when developing project ideas.

Stage3. Pre-feasibility study template

This Template was designed to flexibly accommodate project concepts within the energy sector, and for the context of Africa;

Developing a project concept note for accessing finance

Access to finance is a key component in successfully implementing sustainable, transformative projects that drive climate change action in Africa.

Software tool for the assessment of Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) of PV systems

Levelized Cost Of Electricity (or Energy, known as LCOE, measured in €/kWh or USD/kWh) represents one of the key parameters used to make fair comparison of different technologies (e.g., renewable - wind, solar, ocean, etc. and conventional - natural gas, nuclear, coal, etc.), all of them showing different sizes, lifetimes, risks, capacities.